Study on Estimation of Economic Value of National Protected Areas in Lao PDR

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Phouphet Kyophilavong
Thongsa Tounmanysone
Viriyasack Sisouphanthong
Thongpet Chanthanivong


The objective of this study is for estimation of Economic Value of National Protected Areas in Lao PDR. The estimation of Economic Value of National Protected Areas in Lao PDR by Benefit Transfer (BT) approach. Data were applied  for analyzed came from study sites to Policy site. The results show the economic value of the national protected area in Lao PDR from the both Use Value and Non-use Value. The final result also total economic value is $ 3,942/year. The authors conclude that Total Economic Value(TEV) has a maximum Value on National Protected Area in Lao PDR. These results offer information to policy makers to decide protect on National Protected Area in Lao PDR. This finding might have significant on National Biodiversity strategy of Lao PDR. It is the first paper try to investigate the Total Economic Value of the National Protected Area in Lao PDR.

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Kyophilavong, P. ., Tounmanysone, T. ., Sisouphanthong, V. ., & Chanthanivong, T. . (2020). Study on Estimation of Economic Value of National Protected Areas in Lao PDR. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Management and Tourism, 3(1), 13–30.


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