The SPACE (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation)-Driven Strategic Insight for the Pineapple Manufacturers and Traders

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Nang Herk Leng Pyo


SPACE (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation) matrix is a useful strategic management tool, and is used in this study to provide strategic insights for the pineapple manufacturers and traders in Chiang Rai. In the SPACE framework, competitive advantage and financial stability are the two important determinants for firms to position and formulate competitive strategies, and are shown to be positively related to operations resources determined by job resources, job demand, and motivational incentives. These factors provide the base to influence the perceived behavioral control of the employees, leading to the buildup of psychological thrust to commit to execute jobs to expectation. Numerous aspects of theoretical contributions, in the aspect of RBV (Resource-based View of competition), and linking employee-level contributions to competitive advantages and strategic postures, are thus made possible.

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How to Cite
Pyo, N. H. L. . (2022). The SPACE (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation)-Driven Strategic Insight for the Pineapple Manufacturers and Traders. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Management and Tourism, 4(1), 28–40. retrieved from (Original work published December 6, 2020)
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