Enriching the Hostel Customer Behavioral Study

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Nittaya Dabjan


The extant literature review is abundantly rich with how customers perceive and respond attitudinally, behaviorally and emotionally to their hotel experiences. It is, nevertheless, not so fortunate in the hostel context. In closing this gap this study employs the theoretical concept of stimulus-organism-response (SOR). The 250 valid responses of the questionnaire survey were used to operate the structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. The SOR concept was developed using a mix of literature review and interviews. The latter contributes, in particular, when there is a lack of information, and has prompted the study to focus on the stimulation variables involving service operations (both tangible and intangible aspects), the social engagement environment (which is a differentiating feature of hostels), and hostel brand to influence the value and hostel brand image perceptions of the customers, which in turn, influence how they would engage in social media and as loyal customers.


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How to Cite
Dabjan , N. . (2020). Enriching the Hostel Customer Behavioral Study. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Management and Tourism, 4(1), 69–87. https://doi.org/10.14456/10.14456/ijmmt.2021.1
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