Administrative Skills for Administrators: Affecting Educational Management After the COVID-19 of Primary Schools in Chiang Rai Educational Service Area 3


  • Chanon Chanthakhat สาขาบริหารการศึกษา บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย วิทยาลัยเชียงราย
  • In Chanjarean อาจารย์ประจำ วิทยาลัยเชียงราย
  • Weeraphan Siririth อาจารย์ประจำ วิทยาลัยเชียงราย


Administrative skills, Educational Management, After the COVID-19


          This research aimed to study: 1) administrative skills for administrators, 2) educational management after the COVID-19 situation, and 3) administrative skills for administrators affecting educational management after COVID-19. The sample group consisted of 330 administrators, deputy administrators, and teachers at the primary schools in Chiang Rai Educational Service Area 3. The research tool was a questionnaire about the administrative skills of the school administrators and educational management after the COVID-19 situation. The reliability of the entire questionnaire was 0.89. Statistical instruments used in data analysis included percentages, average values, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis.

           The research results found that 1) the administrative skills of the school administrators was overall at the highest level (with an average of 4.72 and an S.D. of 0.374). 2) Educational management after the COVID-19 situation was overall at the highest level (with an average of 4.67 and an S.D. of 0.378), and 3) the administrative skills of executives in human relations (X5), communication (X1), technology, and digital use (X4), and organizational management (X2) affected the educational management after the COVID-19 situation. Overall (equationtot ) in the positive direction, its statistical significance was at 0.05 level, and it had a multiple correlation coefficient in the prediction of 0.948. The effectiveness of the prediction was 89.9 %, and the standard deviation of the prediction was 0.121. An equation regression analysis was written in the following.

equationtot =  0.136 + 0.358 X5 + 0.312 X1 + 0.151 X4 + 0.139 X2







บทความวิจัย (Research article)