The Academic Administration in Basic Schools under the Jurisdiction of The Office of Ubon Ratchathani Educational Service Area 5

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Pratarnpon Ponrueng
Paiwan Kotta
Sakda Boonyued


The purpose of this study was to study and compare the academic administration in basic schools under the jurisdiction of the office of Ubon Ratchathani educational service 5 and to study the guidelines for academic administration in basic schools under the jurisdiction of the office of Ubon Ratchathani educational service area 5.

The samples used in this research included 153 school directors and 322 teachers in the jurisdiction of the office of Ubon Ratchathani educational service area 5. Total of 475 person which were stratified by size of school. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire with a 5-rating scale with a reliability .89. The statistics used of data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test.

The research findings were as follows

  1. The state of the academic administration in basic schools under the jurisdiction of the office of Ubon Ratchathani educational service area 5, found that the overall and individual aspects were at a high level.

  2. The Comparison of the opinions of school administrators and academic teacher’s academic administration in basic schools under the jurisdiction of the office of Ubon Ratchathani educational service area 5, classified by work experience, it was found that there were no differences. However, the school size was significantly different at the of.05.

  3. The guidelines for academic administration in basic schools under the jurisdiction of the office of Ubon Ratchathani educational service area 5. Course Analysis teachers participated in curriculum analysis. This showed that there is a training program for learning lesson plans and teaching techniques that focus on learners, development of media and media to be used to train the production of learning media. They also provided advanced and appropriate instructional media. Once applied measurement and evaluation results improved instruction, promoted conditional assessment and helped education supervisor’s results to improve teaching.

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