The Relations between the Potential Development and Operational Achievement of Officials of Financial and Assets Department under Primary Educational Service Area Offices in the North-Eastern part of Thailand

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ศุภานัน เส้นคราม
สุภัทรษร ทวีจันทร์
ดาระณี สุรินทรเสรี
ญาณิศา ศรีบุญเรือง


          The objectives of this study were to study potential development, operational achievement and relations between the potential development and operational achievement of officials of financial and assets department under Primary Educational Service Area Offices in the North-Eastern part of Thailand.

The sample group comprised of 242 officials of Financial and Assets Department under Primary Educational Service Area Offices in the North-Eastern part of Thailand by using proportional stratified random sampling and lottery simple random sampling. The research instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple correlation analysis.

The research findings were as follows:

1.The Officials of financial and assets department under Primary Educational Service Area Offices in the North-Eastern part of Thailand had the potential development in general; there were academic and accountancy, financial and accountancy information and technology, communication competence and team working at the highest level.

2.The Officials of financial and assets department under Primary Educational Service Area Offices in the North-Eastern part of Thailand had operational achievement in general; there were creative thinking, information seeking, analytical thinking, and conceptual thinking at high level.

  1. 3. The results of studying relations between the potential development and operational achievement of officials of financial and assets department under Primary Educational Service Area Offices in the North-Eastern part of Thailand, there were found that potential development had a positive relation with operational achievement statistically significance difference at 0.01 level, correlation coefficient between 0.202-0.664 and they can be sort by relations in order of their importance, from most to least, there were communication competence and information seeking (r=0.664).

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