A Study of the Problems and Guidelines of the Internal Supervision of the High Schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 29

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ณัฐกานต์ รัชชะ
อานันท์ ทาปทา
สุวิมล โพธิ์กลิ่น


The research aimed 1) to study the states and problems of the internal supervision of the schools attached to the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 29, 2) to compare the opinion concerning the states and problems of the internal supervision of the school in the study, and 3) to find the guidelines for the internal supervision. The samples used were 458 school administrators and teachers of the schools affiliated to the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 29. The sample size was determined by Krejcie and Morgan’s table. Statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, standard deviation, t-test and F-test.

The research findings were as follows.

  1. 1. The internal supervision of the schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 29 was found to be at a high level. The problems related to the internal supervision in the schools under study were overall at a low level.

  2. 2. The school administrators and teachers affiliated to the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 29 as classified by positions, working experience, and school size had no different opinion on the internal supervision of the schools under study.

  3. 3. The guidelines for the internal supervision in the schools under study were as follows; the committee in charge should be formally appointed; The dates and time which were convenient to teachers concerned should be surveyed in order to determine the supervision planning; the problems should be appropriately prioritized according to the order of significance; The supervision dates should be clearly set.

             In the process of the supervision, there should be representatives from school administrators, academic section and teachers in order that all concerned could be participate in the supervision. In addition, supervision should be regularly undertaken.

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Research Article


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