Using Direct Experiences to Foster Understanding External Quality Assessment: A Case Study of Students Attending A Course of Administration for Teachers in Semester One of 2556 B.E.

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ชวนคิด มะเสนะ
สมาน อัศวภูมิ


This classroom research aimed to summarize experiences and concepts on External Quality Assessment Round 3, 2) to evaluate students’understanding, and 3) to study students’satisfaction to direct experiences on learning activities. The study was carried out in 3 steps as follows: (1) Providing students with basic understanding on External Quality Assessment Round 3; (2) Providing students’opportunities of field experiences; and (3) Exchanging field experiences and evaluating the results. Target groups of study included 56 subjects, which were 43 students of Faculty of Education, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, and 13 informants from the school used as a case study. The data were analyzed by means of frequency, percentage, and content analysis.

          The findings were as follows:

  1. 1. From exchanging field learning it revealed that students gained more experiences and the concept of external evaluation of education round 3 consisted of 12 indicators, 5 indicators for students’quality evaluation, one for teachers’quality evaluation, the rest of 6 indicators were for administration quality evaluation.To prepare themselves for External Quality Assessment Round 3, head teams were appointed, and team members were recruited.

  2. 2. The study of students’ understanding of external evaluation of education round 3 for Basic Education Level revealed that 80 percent of students gained understanding of the subject according to the criteria that was 8 scales out of 10. The subjects that students understood lower than others were the preparation for the external evaluation round 3; and the evaluation of indicator 5, achievement evaluation.

  3. 3. The study of students’satisfaction towards their experience and learning on external evaluation of education round 3 for Basic Education Level revealed that all students were satisfied according to the criteria, which were rated as higher or highest levels.

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