The States and Problems of a Pre-school Education Management of the Schools under the Jurisdiction of the Office of Ubon Ratchathani Primary Education Service Area 3

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คนาวรรณ พันธ์โชติ
พงษ์ธร สิงห์พันธ์


The research aimed to study the problems and problems concerning a pre-school education management under the jurisdiction of the Office of Ubon Ratchathani Primary Education Service Area 3, to compare the states and problems as classified by positions, educational levels, working experiences and school size, and to explore the recommendations on the pre-school management.  The sample in the research consisted of 140 administrators and 140 teachers, totally 280 subjects, obtained by a simple random sampling. The subjects meant for the interview were 10 administrators and teachers, specifically selected. The research instruments were an interview and a questionnaire with a confidence value equivalent to .97. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test.

          The research findings were as follows.        

  1. An educational management in the schools under study were found to be at a high level. There were few problems related to the management.

  2. A comparison as classified by positions, educational levels, working experiences and school size showed that: administrators and the teachers who had different positions, educational levels and working experiences held different opinions concerning the states and problems on the primary educational management at a statistical significance of .01 while working at different sized schools had no difference.

  3. Recommendations and guidelines for the primary educational management revealed that the schools should seek help from those with knowledge and expertise in a curricular analysis; teachers should be allowed to express their views concerning an environment and a surrounding; support should be given to organize an internal and external setting; teachers should be given training on how to integrate learning into activities; the personnel should be encouraged to attend training; educational supervisors whose duty was concerned with education were asked to provide knowledge to those concerned;  the administrators should give knowledge and coordinate with communities and parents to engaged them to participate in the activities.

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