Journal of Public and Private Management 2025-02-17T00:00:00+07:00 Director of Journal & Academic Document Program, GSPA-NIDA Open Journal Systems <p>The <em>Journal of Public and Private Management</em> publishes peer-reviewed (double blinded) (3 reviewers) scholarly articles and book/article reviews on public-private management. The journal is produced by the Graduate School of Public Administration, National Institute of Development Administration (GSPA-NIDA). The Journal is bi-annual (June and December) and published article in English and Thai. The Thai Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) rank the <em>Journal of Public and Private Management</em> tier 2. The <em>Journal of Public and Private Management </em>is also listed in the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI).</p> Developing a Model of a Primary Care System for Provincial Administrative Organizations (PAOs): A Case of Rayong Provincial Administrative Organization 2023-10-11T15:03:13+07:00 Achakorn Wongpreedee Tatchalerm Sudhipongpracha <p>Current literature raises caution against the indiscriminate application of decentralization and advocates careful formulation of decentralization measures to prevent the unintended perverse consequences. In 2021, Thailand has embarked on a large-scale decentralization reform that resulted in the transfer of 33.21 percent of subdistrict health promoting hospitals (SHPHs) to 49 provincial administrative organizations (PAOs). SHPHs serve the important function of providing primary care services as stipulated in the 2017 Constitution. In Rayong a province along the eastern coast of Thailand, 40 SHPHs were transferred from the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) to Rayong PAO in 2022. This research sought to understand the problems and obstacles facing Rayong PAO after it became responsible for 40 SHPHs and their primary care function. The research also attempted to analyze how Rayong PAO has managed to solve these problems and planned for the future challenges of primary care. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) six building blocks of a health system was used to guide our research. Data were collected by interviews and focus group discussions. A total of 62 key informants participated in this study.</p> <p>This research found that after decentralization, SHPHs experienced severe staffing shortages, particularly the shortages of physicians and dentists. However, these staffing shortages were chronic organizational problems that existed in the Thai health system prior to decentralization. Confusion arose immediately after SHPHs were transferred to Rayong PAO, as the Thai government did not provide adequate financial resources and clear guidelines on medicines and medical supplies, population health data management, and primary care service provision. Despite all these shortcomings, Rayong PAO demonstrated a coping capacity that enabled it to use all the available resources and networks to ensure the proper functioning of SHPHs. The salient elements of Rayong PAO that contributed to its coping capacity included: (1) the comprehensive health promotion strategy, (2) effective solution for staffing shortages, (3) clear plan for SHPH development, (4) experienced and skilled advisory team, (5) efficient area-based health committee, and (6) strong relationship with the family medical doctors in the area.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Multi-dimensional Analysis of Gig Economy for Public Policy Making 2023-12-30T04:57:07+07:00 Kanok Karnchanapoo Danuvas Sagarik <p>This article aims to analyze various dimensions of the gig economy in Thailand by studying a series of perspectives across economic, social, and technological dimensions to gain a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the gig economy landscape in Thailand. Through qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews with various groups of stakeholders such as platforms, government agencies, academics, and service providers or freelance workers, a multidimensional literature review was conducted. This review includes example cases from various countries. The study results reflect the important role of the gig economy system in driving the macroeconomy, social dynamics, and the adjustment of work in line with technological advancements in Thailand, both at present and in the future. It also reflects the views and ideas of relevant stakeholders, ready to present academic information that can be applied to policy-making in both the public and private sectors amid the changing context and landscape of work and economy in the 21st century.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Justice, Economic Equality, Sustainable Peace 2024-01-29T16:32:39+07:00 Wiwatchai Atthakor <p>“Justice” has been analyzed by the great world philosophers, among the four schools of thought, namely utilitarianism, social contract, enlightenment, and buddhist paths. Economic equality measures justice. The economic inequality consists of income inequality and wealth inequality. High inequality leads to political conflict, violence and loss. Public policy solutions to reorganize Thai resources are allocated for all Thais. Wealth tax should be levied on Thai billionaires. Policy recommendations should be adhering to buddhist principles in buddhist paths for sustainable peace.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Guidelines for Thai Employers both Formal and Informal Systems of Employment for Thai Elderly in Support of Being an Aging Society: A Case of the Services and Merchandises Sector 2024-07-18T11:15:37+07:00 Siriwan Rattanaprateep <p>The purpose of this research is to study guidelines for hiring elderly workers, guidelines for hiring elderly workers in enterprises to support the aging society, case studies of elderly workers in the formal and informal systems. Products and services Both to study problems and obstacles in hiring elderly workers in enterprises to support the aging society. and propose guidelines and measures to promote the employment of elderly workers in enterprises. In this research, the researcher used qualitative research methods. By observation and in-depth interviews which the information providers include Establishment administrators Ministry of Labor officials Ministry of Social Development and Human Security officials and elderly workers, a total of 17 people, to collect data on factors in hiring workers. Problems and obstacles in various aspects of employment in detail, including important recommendations related to guidelines and measures to promote employment of elderly workers. This is to be one way to support the aging society.</p> <p>The results of the study found that factors affecting the employment of elderly workers in establishments It can be summarized into two main factors: internal factors and external factors. Problems and obstacles in the employment of elderly workers in enterprises Problems or obstacles from hiring elderly workers caused by the elderly establishments and the government sector. The final issue is guidelines for hiring elderly workers. By preparing workers before retirement There should also be support for measures to help create employment or incentives. and establish a department to assist with recruitment, training, welfare, compensation, and increase the publicizing of information about employment through many channels. In summary, hiring elderly workers to work after retirement. It is to support entering the elderly society. and also promotes income generation Helping the elderly not be a burden to society and the government in taking care of them It also keeps disease away and replaces labor shortages. It creates value for the elderly.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024