Journal of Letters 2024-06-28T21:43:54+07:00 Waraporn Puangjunhaum Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Letters is a semi-annual acedemic journal (January-June and July-December). The journal also accepts a proposal for special issue, supplementary issue, or the collection of selected articles from high-quality conferences. However, extra issues are limited to two volumes per year. Journal of Letters publishes peer-reviewed articles in the field of Humanities and Social science. Areas of special concern include language, linguistics, literary studies, history, philosophy, religious studies, folklore, anthropology, dramatic arts, library and information science, geography, and cultural studies. The Journal seeks to promote research in the humanities by providing a forum for discussion and exchange among researchers and a channel for publicizing academic works for the benefit of the general public. Journal of Letters welcomes contributions in all relevant areas indicated above in the form of research articles, non-research academic articles, review articles, and book reviews, either in Thai, English, or other languages. Submission can be made throughout the year. Articles previously published or under consideration by another journal cannot be accepted. Articles submitted will receive a double-blind review by two referees. Contributors should follow the guidelines for contributors at Copyright by the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University. Photocopying is allowed for internal, non-commercial use only. Photocopying for other uses or for purposes other than indicated requires a written permission from the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University. All ideas and opinions stated in the published articles are of the authors. The publisher and the editorial staffs do not necessarily share such views. ISSN&nbsp;: 0125-4820 (Print) from January 1969 onwards ISSN : 2586-9736 (Online)&nbsp;from July 2017 onwards</p> Front Matter 2024-06-28T09:33:33+07:00 Naya Sucha-xaya 2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Conceptual Metaphors of Death in the Bible 2024-02-19T14:57:09+07:00 Patamaporn Mingcharoenwong Wuttinun Kaewjungate <p>This research aimed to analyze the metaphorical expressions that reflect conceptual metaphors or metaphorical concepts related to death in the Bible and to examine the metaphorical functions using the conceptual metaphor theory of Lakoff and Johnson (1980), Gibbs (1994), and Kövecses (2002). The study categorized metaphorical expressions and conceptual metaphors, and also utilized the concept of Goatly (1997) to investigate the functions of metaphors. For this research, data were collected from the “death” expressions that appeared in the 1971 Thai-language version of the Bible in the Holy Bible app developed by Life.Church (2023), comprising 300 passages (Bible verses). </p> <p> It was found that the metaphorical expressions reflect the metaphorical concepts or conceptual metaphors of death in the Bible, such as death as awakening from sleep, as a residence/place to stay, as an enemy, as descending to the lower realms, as a trap/binding thing, as an unappetizing food, and as a journey. These metaphors have an ideational function, interpersonal function, and textual function.</p> <p> </p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Translation of Cases of Greek Nouns into Chinese: 2023-08-30T11:23:51+07:00 Natthasake Naksit Kanokporn Numtong <p>This article aims to study the translation of Cases of Greek nouns into Chinese. Using a case study from Matthew 5-7 in Chinese translation of the Bible (Chinese Union Bible), the research found that the Chinese translation of the Bible have four main forms of translation for Greek noun’s cases: Direct translation, Partial translation, Rearranged translation and Omitted. For the comparing the forms of translation with the earlier Chinese translations of other religious texts, it was found that Bible translations have more open and diverse forms and standards. It is not relying on the original text beyond necessity but has changed the presentation style according to the era.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A Study of Representations of South Korean Women under the ConfucianTradition during the Period of Democratic and Economic Development from Korean Series Reply 1988 2023-11-08T10:12:46+07:00 Minthita Thanapiboonroj Paphonphat Kobsirithiwara <p>One of the nations where Confucian traditions have had a long-standing influence on women is South Korea and still adheres to these practices until present. The purpose of this research is to study the representation of South Korean women under the Confucian tradition during the period of democratic and economic development from Korean Series Reply 1988 (응답하라 1988). This study used a combination of qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods. By extract, the framework for women according to the Confucian tradition comes from content analysis of literature review, which are four factors; 1) morality 2) to speak politely and appropriately 3) appropriate etiquette appearance and 4) to have skills in own's work, to analyze women from three roles which are; 1) role of a daughter 2) role of wife and 3) roles of mother by record in coding sheet. The results found that five characters are reflecting the image of South Korean women according to the framework of women in the Confucian tradition during the period of democratic and economic development. In addition, representations of women that reflect the characteristics of women who fail to be align with the Confucian tradition were also found from two characters, that can be highlighted. One of the characters in the role of daughter did not have the gentle spoken characteristic and participate in politics activities. Another character, the role of mother, appears that she can have different opinions from her husband and has a role as a leader in the family. The result is consistent with Inglehart's theory that economic and social development affects cultural change in that society. The two-characters failures of the Confucian tradition had financially independent. Therefore, if society wishes to escape from patriarchal society, accelerating economic and social development are the factors that should be considered.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A Greater Distance between the Readers and the Recounted Story in Salvatore Besso’s Travel Book: 2023-11-16T11:21:42+07:00 Panita Silapavithayadilok <p>This article analyses the scanned picture postcards in Salvatore Besso’s travel book with the aim to point out how they assume a crucial role in changing the main theme of the narrative on Siam in this book. From two main themes that run along together in the written narrative, exotism of Siamese culture and the recognition that Siam gained from Western nations, the scanned picture postcards lead the readers to focus particularly, if not only, on the first theme. This article seeks to shed more light to the significance of intermedial perspective in delving into subtle motives in cultural encounters. The intermediality at work in this study concerns the interaction between photographs and words that represents the interaction between Western culture as the content creator/audience and Siamese culture as the created content.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 An Application of Geoinformatics Technology to Assess Green Space Potential for Urban Resilience Samut Sakhon Province 2023-08-08T09:21:37+07:00 Kannika Janchidfa Areerut Patnukao <p>Rapid urbanization in Samut Sakhon province is transforming urban green spaces and public spaces, creating an urgent need to strengthen capacity to improve essential urban ecosystems and to create a sustainable future for everyone. The objective of this research is to assess the potential of suitable green spaces for urban resilience in Samut Sakhon province by applying geographic information system (GIS) tools and multicriteria analysis using an analytical hierarchy process (AHP), together with interviews. There are four main criteria used in the data analysis: (1) socioeconomic factors, (2) physical factors, (3) natural and environmental factors, and (4) access to infrastructure. In addition, there are ten subcriteria: (1) current land use, (2) population density, (3) distance from pollution source, (4) land ownership, (5) distance from water area, (6) size of green area per population, (7) distance from disaster area (flood), (8) distance from biodiversity sites, (9) distance from park, and (10) distance to facilities.</p> <p>The result of the potential assessment of green areas that are appropriate for urban resilience showed that besides 26.72 percent of the urban area, 73.28 percent of the province consists of potential areas, which can be classified into five levels based on the potential of the area to support urban expansion, comprising very high potential (3.86 percent), high potential (61.48 percent), medium potential (34.13 percent), low potential (0.49 percent), and very low potential (0.05 percent). Most of the potential areas of each subdistrict are diverse in type of land use, including areas for aquaculture, fruit trees, orchards, and natural water sources, along with low-lying areas, mangrove forests, and rice fields. These areas are spread across various subdistricts near urban and industrial areas in the province. This is because these areas need green spaces to support urban expansion in order to promote sustainability and provide increased flexibility.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Role of Japan in the Establishment of the Siamese Modern Armed Forces during the Reign of King Chulalongkorn 2024-01-26T13:32:22+07:00 Thep Boontanondha <p style="font-weight: 400;">The establishment of Siamese modern armed forces importantly relied on military knowledge and technologies from the Western world. As a result, Siamese armed forces sent cadets to Europe, particularly King Chulalongkorn's sons, to study military science. However, the Paknam Incident in 1894, which Siam was decisively defeated by France, made the government realize the need for rapid development of the armed forces. Furthermore, Siam recognized that relying solely on European nations limited its choices for developing the armed forces. During this time, France continued to expand its influence over territories in Southeast Asia. These factors compelled Siam to find an alternative option for developing its armed forces. Therefore, Siam decided to turn to Japan. The armed forces purchased armaments and sent cadets to study military sciences in Japan. The Siamese government also used Japan to balance power among the major nations. This policy seemingly led the European nations to doubt the increasing influence of Japan over Siam. Eventually, France conceived the idea of disarming the Siamese armed forces to ensure the sovereignty of Siam.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Senses of the word /tɛ̀ː/ in Old Thai (13th – 15th century CE) 2023-06-29T11:46:03+07:00 Khet Lengwiriyakul <p>Holding an assumption that the word /tɛ̀ː/ in Thai is polysemous and that the word’s senses are historically related, this research intends to conduct a historical study on the word. The purpose of this study is to find out whether /tɛ̀ː/ in the past used to have senses other than the ones existing in the present. This study aims to analyze the senses of /tɛ̀ː/ in Old Thai (13<sup>th</sup> – 15<sup>th</sup> century CE) by applying criteria proposed in Tyler and Evans’s Principled Polysemy (Tyler and Evans 2001; Tyler and Evans 2003; Evans 2004; Evans 2005). By applying the criteria, collocates and grammatical constructions are considered in determining the senses of /tɛ̀ː/. The result shows that there were 12 senses of /tɛ̀ː/ in Old Thai, namely: (1) ablative marker of motion, (2) ablative marker of obtainment, (3) ablative marker of achievement, (4) marker of starting time, (5) marker of past time, (6) genitive marker, (7) exclusive marker, (8) topic marker, (9) marker of recipient, (10) marker of beneficiary, (11) marker of abstract goal, and (12) additive conjunction.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 An Investigation on Translation Strategies of Korean Literary 2023-11-29T17:01:35+07:00 Siyapha Panumma Paphonphat Kobsirithiwara <p style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this research article is to analyze and explain strategies for translating Korean literary titles into Thai. By analyzing the titles of 170 literary titles from 7 publishing houses by collecting names from between August - September 2023 and use the names of the translated literary works to analyze the strategies for translating the titles from Korean into Thai, applying Nord's theory of translating movie titles. Considering translations of Korean literary titles, overall analysis results found that the most used strategy was translating the title by changing the original title, found at 42.94 percent. The least usedstrategy was using the original title found only 0.59 percent. In addition, there was an analysis of title translations classified by publishers. It was found that 6 out of 7 publisherspreferred to use changing the original title strategy significantly. And considering translations divided by literary type, it was found that the most popular translation strategy for translating psychology and personal development literature books was setting new titles, found at 41.13 percent. Other types of literature include short stories, novels, and business and marketingbooks were found that the title translation was most popular using the strategy of changing the original title. And at the end of this article, the research results are used as guidelines for teaching and learning about translation for Korean language major student as well.</p> 2024-06-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024