“Superior Honor and Dignity” :
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Relationship between Linguistic Strategies and Ideologies in the Automobile Business
Linguistic Strategies, Critical Discourse Analysis, Superior Honor and Dignity, Ideologies, Automobile Business DiscourseAbstract
This article examines the relationship between linguistic strategies and ideologies of superior honor and dignity in the automobile business. These relationships are identified using critical discourse analysis based on the three-dimensional framework of Fairclough (1995). Results show that the linguistic strategies used to construct these ideologies include lexical selection, presupposition, negation, claiming and reference. This discourse also indicates that while consumers may recognize the importance of cars, as an automobile business, profits are also important. As a result, automobile companies have constructed discourses to manipulate people to recognize that cars are not just vehicles, but indicators of social status that make the driver feel dignified and admired. Therefore, it can be said that this business discourse is influenced by consumerism trying to symbolize cars as than just their physical usage. However, if this discourse is widely and uncritically accepted, it may lead consumers to incur more household debt, thus disadvantaging themselves, their families and the country’s economy.
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