The Policy Implementation of Medical Cannabis Development in Community Enterprises


  • Pittayas Sunthonprawet อาจารย์ ดร. มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตนครสวรรค์


policy, medical cannabis, community enterprises


     The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the policy implementation of medical cannabis development in community enterprises, 2) to study the factors affecting the success of policy implementation of medical cannabis development in community enterprises.and 3) The recommendation to development the policy implementation of medical cannabis in community enterprises. It was a mixed method research: a qualitative sample of 20 people; and 397 quantitative samples. The research instruments were a in-depth interview and questionnaire. The content analysis was used for a summary; the data were analyzed through percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and multiple classification analysis (MCA). The results showed that 1) the policy implementation of medical cannabis development in community enterprises was at high level; and 2) the factors affecting the success of policy implementation of medical cannabis development in community enterprises were the policy objectives, organizational communication, bureaucratic structure, attitudes of agencies and staff, and socioeconomic contexts These factors had a significant difference at the 0.05 level. and 3) The recommendation to development the policy implementation of medical cannabis in community enterprises is the government should have a clear policy to amend the legal marijuana as non-narcotic. The agency has integrated roles and duties. The government promotes communications of research-based knowledge with people: medical cannibis use, cultivation, and etc.






บทความวิจัย (Research article)